The twentieth film in the Detective Conan franchise, The Darkest Nightmare, has become its highest grossing to date. The film, which features members of the Black Organization for the first time since 2009’s The Raven Chaser, remained at the top spot for three weeks prior to being bested by Disney’s likewise animated feature Zootopia. As of this week, the entry in the long-running series has grossed ¥5.43 billion ($50.1 million) since its Golden Week opening.
Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare is finally dethroned after enjoying three-consecutive weeks in first place. The Detective Conan films always drop over 50% over the post Golden Week weekend, so the large decline here isn’t surprising (in fact, if estimates hold, it’s slightly better than most previous entries). It’s either barely below or just above the ¥5 billion blockbuster milestone after this weekend, and having accomplished that achievement and becoming the highest-grossing film in the series, the only thing left for it to do now is to add more to it’s incredible total as it aims for ¥6 billion ($55 million).
News media outlets in Japan are reporting today that B’z will be providing the theme song to the latest movie, Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare, due for a theatrical release this April. The song, titled “Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru” (The World Will Become Your Color), is the band’s first theme to a Conan film since 2011’s Quarter of Silence.
Additionally, it has been revealed that B’z guitarist and Grammy Award winner Tak Matsumoto will be providing guitar on the film’s main instrumental theme. This marks the first time in franchise history that a guest guitarist has been featured in such a role.
Koshi Inaba, best known as the singer and lyricist of B’z, will be releasing a new solo single entitled “Hane” (羽, lit. “Feather” ) on January 13th. Just prior, the song will premiere as the opening to the Detective Conan anime series on January 9th. This is Koshi’s second solo contribution to the series, after “Overture” was used as an ending theme in 2002.
Overall, Koshi is one of the most prolific Conan artists, with songs by B’z also having been featured in movies 3, 6, 10, and 15. An additional four themes were provided as openings to the series with another serving as an ending.
Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files: Chance Encounter of 2 Great Detectives is now, at long last, available in English for the very first time! We have been working on this translation at DCTP for years and are very proud to bring it to you now. We thank you for your patience and direct you to the game’s subsite page for a guide on how to get started playing the game! Enjoy!
Check out our release trailer for Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files: Chance Encounter of 2 Great Detectives on Nintendo DS below, and prepare for the full English release of the game at 6:00 PM EDT today! Click here to see how that relates to your time zone. You may also read a quick FAQ about what is included in the game and how it may be played in this earlier post.