The premiere date for the Magic Kaito anime series has finally been revealed in the October issue of the Shounen Sunday Super magazine. The anime will air every Saturday at 5.30 pm on NTV/YTV right before the Conan anime starting October 4th. No additional information is given regarding the number of episodes planned. However, the magazine does mention that the anime will be a “completely new work” and that Conan will be appearing.
In addition, the the YTV website has just been updated and mentions that the anime series will be entitled Magic Kaito 1412 and, as an original work, will have scenes of Kaitô Kid in Detective Conan but from the perspective of Kid himself.
Source: Anime News Network
Joy to the world. This is exactly what I needed for those gloomy autumn evenings – a dose of more Kaito Kid, because the Mystery Train case was just not enough.
Kaito Kid is love, Kaito Kid is life.
Will there be new voice actors as well or are they keeping the same cast?
No news on that yet. I imagine that at least Kaito Kid will be keeping his voice.